Thanksgiving Enthusiasts Protest Town’s November Christmas Decorations

November 9th, 2019 – Pleasantville, IN

Now that Halloween has passed and the calendars have turned to November, many people are getting ready for the Christmas season. People have started pulling out their trees from storage and have begun decorating their front yards with their reindeer, Santas, and other symbols associated with Christmas, religious or otherwise. Many towns are even prepping their streets to get ready for upcoming events.

Not everyone in the small town of Pleasantville, IN is happy about this sudden turn.

A social group located in the town called the Pleasantville Thanksgiving Enthusiasts are “sick and tired” of Thanksgiving getting “passed by” and the “lack of attention” towards their favorite Holiday. They usually put ads in the local newspaper discussing their frustrations, but are generally ignored.

“They’re clowns”, said one Pleasantville Resident, wearing his Rudolph sweater and Santa hat. “They are just being a bunch of scrooges trying to ruin everyone’s holiday”.

“They seem to think that we have forgotten about Thanksgiving, but that just isn’t true.” said another lady leaving the local market across the street from the protestors. “We all love and appreciate Thanksgiving as much as anyone else. We all celebrate Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with our families.”

The protestors were not buying it.

“They say that, but they don’t mean it.” Said one of the protestors. “Thanksgiving is only an after thought to them. As soon as November 1st comes, it’s ‘Christmas this’ and ‘Christmas that’. They start talking about decorations and shopping, but they always plan Thanksgiving at the last minute.”

“I know several people who have said that Thanksgiving is a chore and wish it would be cancelled.” Said another protester wearing a turkey costume, though it was hard to make out what he was saying through the turkey head he had on. “We are sick of our favorite holiday not getting enough respect!”

“You start seeing Christmas decorations in some stores as early as August!!” This protestor was dressed as a pilgrim with his wife as a Native American, trying to symbolize the first Thanksgiving. “They already skip Thanksgiving, now Halloween?? You already get a full month, how much more of the calendar are you going to take??

We can feel your cringe in regards to the costumes…we just report it, we aren’t even going down that rabbit hole.

The protest was generally civil and stayed peaceful, but we did see some heated discussions between some counter protestors wearing comparably over the top Christmas Outfits. Some people say they were trolling, but we could not confirm this for sure.

When we asked why they decided to protest this year, they said that it has been long overdue and are sick and tired of being ignored.

“Thanksgiving deserves November, damn it!” I think that’s what he said, turkey head and all. “We will totally be on board for Christmas as of December 1st. That is plenty of time to celebrate.”

After the protests ended, the town’s Halloween Club announced on their Facebook page that they were “inspired” by their stand and are in the works to do something in 2020. Many of the followers on the page left comments complaining about the store merchandise that was discussed by one of the Thanksgiving protestors.

We will see what happens in this town next year, but all we have to say is we hope everyone enjoys a happy and safe holiday season, whichever team you may be on.

Published by thenightlyangle

Just a guy living every day life......that and writing parody news stories.

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