Jared Leto Publicly Apologizes for His Portrayal of Joker

November 14th, 2019 – Los Angeles, CA

Joaquin Phoenix and his portrayal of the titular character in Todd Phillips’ Joker has been the talk of movies ever since it’s release in October. Though some critics are divided on the quality of the movie, it has been received well by audiences and there is talk that Joaquin Phoenix could be nominated for a Best Actor Oscar.

Joaquin’s portrayal of the DC villain has been highly anticipated since the first trailer was released earlier this year, especially considering the almost unanimous disdain for Jared Leto’s performance of the character in 2014’s Suicide Squad. Not only was the movie panned and his performance questionable, but his behaviors on set and treatment towards co-stars were unorthodox, putting it nicely.

Leto was actually supposed to be playing the character in a stand alone film and Suicide Squad was just going to a sample of something greater, but that was scratched and we now have the most profitable film in comic book history, in addition to the largest box office for a Rated R film in history. It is approaching $1 billion dollars in box office sales worldwide.

Leto’s reactions to the Joker were very bitter at first, even trying to get his band manager to cancel the movie before being released. But something has happened between now and then and Leto apparently has had a change of heart.

“I want to formally apologize to Todd Phillips, Joaquin Phoenix, and everyone involved in the Joker film. I have been childish, selfish, and oblivious to how obnoxious my behavior has been during this whole ordeal.”

This sudden change has been a shock to everyone who has heard it, even his close friends and family members. Members from the band 30 Seconds to Mars even said they didn’t see this coming.

Leto had more to say after his opening statements.

“Joker was a brilliant film and both Phillips and Phoenix did a fantastic job. End of the day I was just upset that they didn’t bring me back. My ego got in the way of being open to outside criticism. I hope Joaquin wins an Oscar, he put everything he had into it and definitely deserves it.”

The Academy Award winner for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as a transgender woman in 2013’s Dallas Buyer’s Club continued, even ripping his own performance.

“Looking back at things now five years later, my performance was definitely lacking. It just didn’t make sense. I was trying to make it appealing for the world the movie was in, but I should have been better. In fact, it actually sucked.”

Neither Phillips or Phoenix were available for comment directly, but representatives said they were very appreciative of his words and had nothing but positive things to say about his talent and abilities, wishing him the best going forward.

“I’ve been such an ass” Leto said, almost in tears. “This is my own fault, and I know that now. I squandered a great opportunity. I guess at the end of the day I was just jealous that it wasn’t me getting the recognition. I want a Best Oscar, damn it!”

The creators of Suicide Squad followed up Leto’s statements, quickly to not place the blame on him.

“Leto had his problems on set with the rest of the cast for sure, but it wasn’t all on him that the movie was bad. Everything about it was just terrible. One man can only do so much.”

Time will tell how the Joker “fan boys” will respond to this apology. Will they accept it? The Nightly Angle will keep you posted on any major updates.

Published by thenightlyangle

Just a guy living every day life......that and writing parody news stories.

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