Local Insomniac Gets Sleep Thanks to Impeachment Hearings

November 21st, 2019 – Charlotte, N.C.

The buzz of all the National news as of late here in the U.S. has been the impeachment hearings of President Donald Trump, which have been held by the House of Representatives for the last week. Networks and independent commentators alike have been discussing the issues around the hearings, giving their opinions and fighting strongly for their cause. If you have a vested interest in the hearings, then you are probably following them very closely rooting for your side.

For the rest of Americans who are tired of the “partisan bickering”, they have literally done everything they can to ignore it. For something that could have historic importance you think there would be involvement by all citizens to some extent.

One local man, who has followed politics his entire life, was looking forward to at least watching some of the hearings to see what was being said. Unfortunately that has not happened. It has nothing to do with his schedule, as he is a retired widower living off a sufficient pension.

He simply just keeps falling asleep during the hearings.

“I start watching the hearings and focusing in on the witnesses, and before I know it I find myself waking up and it’s dark in the house, as the sun has already gone down. I miss the entire thing!”

This is something that isn’t very common for him, as he told us that he has suffered from insomnia for most of his life.

“Regardless of how much I’ve worked or how active I’ve been, I have never slept well. Even if I worked 60 hour work weeks, I was good to get 5 hours a night! After a month, my body just gives in and I would literally sleep the weekend away, getting nothing done and spending no time with my family.”

He went on, discussing all of the things he has tried to sleep better.

“I’ve tried driving or walking at night, exercising, medication, everything! It’s how I got interested in politics to begin with…I would watch C-Span and other political stuff because I couldn’t sleep at night!”

The last week of the hearings have been a surprise for him, to say the least. He says he hasn’t slept this well in years, if ever.

“I was watching the hearings to seriously know what is happening, but I keep sleeping!! I feel better don’t get me wrong, but I feel bad because I am missing important stuff for our Democracy!!”

Despite his disappointment and shame he feels in sleeping during these important hearings, he is happy to be getting sleep.

“I feel great physically, that’s for sure. I even went out with my family the other day for lunch and went to a movie. It was very refreshing! I will have to find a solution to keep this going once the hearings end. I’m going to look ahead and DVR the rest of them and keep them. Hopefully this will work for awhile.”

Regardless of how he gets the sleep he needs, we all hope that he’s able to keep getting it. As for the impeachment hearings, we will see how things go for President Trump and his status as our President.

Published by thenightlyangle

Just a guy living every day life......that and writing parody news stories.

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