SERIOUSLY THOUGH #1: A Nonintervention Policy is the Best Way to Show Support For Our Veterans

Anyone who reads this blog can clearly tell that the stories I discuss are parody and 100% fake (or at least I hope you can anyway), but today is a day I make an exception. I was trying to think of a good parody idea that not only would pass as parody, but be something that would be tasteful to this day. One idea I almost went with was that “Veterans celebrate John Bolton out of the Trump Administration”. I thought this would work and most everyone can at least understand, if not completely agree. Then I realized that the headline is probably more truth than parody.

John Bolton is one of the biggest war-pigs and neocons involved with the DC establishment today. He served under President Bush and was a big architect of the Iraq War and recently under the Trump Administration as he wanted to escalate conflicts in Iran. He has always pushed for more intervention and more conflicts, never less. He has been a big reason that countless thousands of American soldiers have died overseas for completely unnecessary and politically selfish reasons.

The true measure of our government showing respect and consideration for our veterans is only deploying them into danger when absolutely needed. When America and her citizens are at genuine risk of harm. Can you name one conflict that we are in now that actually protects our citizens??

We have been involved in Afghanistan for around 17 years….we stayed when we clearly could not find the terrorists presence that the media told us was there. We were then in Iraq for many more years concurrently, even after Saddam was taken out of power. We are still in the disgusting cesspool known as Syria, which appears to have no end in sight. We are also involved in other parts of the world, if nothing else but to “assert our presence”. In all of these cases (yes I said all) there has not been a threat on Americans here domestically since 9/11. If there is a real threat, the threat is here with the establishment and the military complex who does nothing but drive more death and take billions away from tax payers year after year, adding to our already growing and unsustainable National Debt.

There are voices of reason trying to stop the endless war train. This has been one of Rand Paul’s main positions since entering the U.S. Senate in 2012, and his father, former Congressman Ron Paul, railed against this during his entire tenure in the House. The senior Paul still talks about this issue with his show on Youtube called “The Ron Paul Liberty Report”.

There is even one very vocal voice on the left speaking out against this. Tulsi Gabbard, the Congresswoman from Hawaii, Democratic Presidential Candidate, and former Veteran herself. Unfortunately the rest of our politicians, regardless of party, seem to be for this constant intervention. The worst part is that none of these conflicts were voted for by Congress, which is Constitutionally required for us to officially declare war on another country.

Veterans should be thankful Bolton is out, unfortunately he is one of many and there are many more in line to take these spots of authority all over DC. The military complex “asserts their presence” each time President Trump even MENTIONS withdrawing from another country or not getting involved in conflict, which leads to Trump back peddling to what he said prior, due to the power they possess.

If this cycle is to ever end, Americans have to be vocal and make it clear that we do not want to be involved in these wars anymore. This will do the most to save the lives of all veterans serving across the world. I hope for a day where all the troops come home and this constant intervention ceases.

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served past, present and future….maybe one day you will get the real respect and appreciation of our government, not just the lip service that looks good for the cameras and headlines.

Published by thenightlyangle

Just a guy living every day life......that and writing parody news stories.

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